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When you have to chose your lifetime partner.

  Life is a gift. But spending it meaningfully is the most important thing. Since the day we were born, we have sought love and been given love. When you are a child, your parents' love and protection are necessary for you to grow into a happy and healthy person. As time pass by we tend to attract towards people of the opposite sex. We start to feel the need to have a lover. We tend to seek that person's love and care more than our parents'. It makes us feel that life is love and love makes you feel happy and satisfied. Yes it's true. But we are all not lucky to have that perfect love. It's our own karma that has created us and given as we meant to have. However everything is not caused by this karma itself, as mentioned by the Lord Buddha. You should use your mind and with taking good decisions you can control your love life or your life in to a happy journey. 

So you may already have experienced or seen in the society of failed love relationships, marriages and ending up getting divorced sadly. Do you ever want to start a relationship that will finally give a heartbreak or ending up getting divorced?

When it comes to select a lifetime partner you have to consider that you are going to choose him or her to share your life with and spend your life with for the rest of your life. 

There are things that you have to consider when preparing to end up with a lifetime partner. You should associate with the person for a period of time. Then you are able to figure out and learn about the other person well. As much as you come to recognize the other party it is easier you can decide whether you choose him/her or not. But also you have to make sure that you will not give hopes to him/her on life together with the other person. Because it's unfair to the other person if you don't want to choose him/her eventually. In the society we get to witness this kind of situations in which some people have to face so they will mentally fall and it will affect their lives negatively. You have no right to give anyone false hopes and break their heart. See how it feels to experience this kind of situation; would you ever want someone else to break your heart? So treat others the way you want to be treated and always act in a fair manner. 

Though you want to be fair, but the other person might not be, that's why you've got to be very careful and considerate about choosing your lifetime partner. 

In my opinion, this life without a partner whom you can share your love with, seems empty, so it's really nice to have your life shared with a really good person. As I mentioned before by associating with that person for sometime you would come to identify the person and if you realise any issue with the person you would know how you can deal with them when similar incidents occur in the future. Lord Buddha had also mentioned when as much as you associate with someone you'll come to learn about the person well. You'll fall in love with someone attracting to his or her physical appearance. That's totally ok but that is not enough. Sometimes what's inside the person is not as good as what you saw in him/her in the first place. There are some people you might meet or already have that they will impress you by their affection in the beginning but as the time goes on you'll begin to see the true colours of the person, which will amaze you but you have gone too far that you cannot even see back or escape from the trap. That's why it is said that you should not love too much way too earlier. The most important point I have mentioned in this article is that it is really necessary to associate with the person for some considerable time as to figure out that if the person is really honest, or trustworthy, or caring not just limiting to just words of them. As time passes by what matters most is not the physical appearance or how you were impressed in the beginning, but the honesty, trust, and how caring he/she is when you are in need of support of your loved one though you need not expect his/her caring all the time. If you have chosen the person to be your partner, it is indeed very significant that you make plans for the future of both of you. If you have a well planned married life there's a lot of chance that you will be able to avoid many forthcoming problems and to lead a happy and meaningful life together. 

A relationship's foundation is true love, love is not something to be just limited to words, saying "I love you". It is treating the person well the way you want to be treated while expecting from the person too. It's not only giving it's taking too. There should be a good balance between these two. However you need not worry if this balance is not present all the time. If you give always but you are not given even when the other person can, you should know that there's a problem with the balance that cause the relationship a burden to you. Hence that's why it's so important that you give the time to figure out what suits your journey to live a happy life, whether to continue with the person or not, so to not going any further. Giving means not only money or material things your partner should give for your feelings too. Sometimes people don't know how much their words can hurt the other person.

Identifying his/her weaknesses or faults and  if you can manage and tolerate them or you can figure out ways to cope with any behaviour of your partner and you are totally ok to accept his or her in their way then you may continue with the one you chose you want to be with. 

It's important to identify his/her weaknesses or faults if you can manage, tolerate them or you can figure out ways to cope up with any behaviour of your partner and if you are totally okay to accept his or her in their way then you may continue with the one you chose you wanted to be with.

This is discussed in this article so much is to let anyone be aware of taking the right decision especially when it comes to get married. Because some people take quick decisions and suffer their whole lives. Once you are done with taking the wrong decision it will be so difficult to look back or it's too late to amend the mistake. If you make the right decision, happiness follows you without a doubt. What is mainly expected from a relationship is happiness. Love is not life. So don't make the decision to let someone else to destroy your life. There will be more articles relating to this topic in this blog. 


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