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The new Rose in my Garden.

My rose is about to bloom. I brought this rose plant, and it had two flowers initially when I bought it from my home town. This flower in the photo below was the first to bloom after I planted it in the pot.

New rose petals are red. A new rose blooms from every branch that comes.

I have planted this plant in a pot. I put a lot of fertilizer in the soil. I added manure, chicken manure, albizia leaves, banana husks, and liquid manure obtained by pulverizing 'banana flower' to this.

Some of the leaves of this rose had turned yellow. So I cut them off. I cut off some of the branches that looked weak as well.

I was also interested in protecting this plant from fungal infections and insect damage. It is very important that this plant be healthy if it is to grow well. I first became aware of the tricks. I sprinkled the neem leaf extract once and soapy water about two or three times.

I can now see that my rose plant is growing healthy and luxuriant. Currently, three buds are visible on this tree.


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