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Showing posts from July, 2021

Let's end violence against women.

   The world we see is beautiful. But there are so many aspects that are hidden so no one can see the real stories. Real faces are hidden from fake masks. There are a lot of tearful stories we don't get to see. Their pain is hidden in the hearts without being able to tell anyone.  A woman is a human being who is playing a major role in the family and in the society. Mainly the role of a woman is being a mother and has been behaving as a housewife in the past and at present. The woman held this roles because it is what nature gave her. However as time goes on the woman began to involve in doing what they like. The transformation of the society allowed the woman to chose her path as she prefers. Nowadays we can see the woman plays a leading role in earning money in addition to being a housewife. Now she goes beyond what mother nature gave her initially. This is an aspect that the society should focus on, because this is truly a burden for a woman. The woman is now used to this lifest

The alone woman

   She is now lonely, hopeless. She always search for love. But men who reached her made up stories which were fantasy world's. She could live in them but not for vey long time. She had a family. A family of two daughters and her husband. She brought up children without husband's proper support. He was living in his own fantasy world. He was not enthusiastic enough to take care of his family. He was not caring for the daughters, the family. So the mother had to take the responsibility to look after her family. However this family had been cursed. The reason for this family got cursed was no reason it was perhaps their past karma. As time goes on the children grew up. The father passed away. Mother felt relief after his husband gone, though it was sad for them. Time was not good yet. The younger daughter passed away the next year. It was a tragedy for them. The elder daughter was not mentally well enough to understand these problems. For her to relief from all these mental issue